Music Ministry Announcement

 PMC SUMMER CHOIR will be starting soon! Summer choir is a fun opportunity to rehearse (generally one hour, every other Thursday afternoon) and sing for church once a month. This enables singers who attend other churches to sing with us occasionally while still remaining faithful to their church ministries. Singers are welcome to commit for one, two or three months, depending on your summer schedule and availability. Plan now to be a part of this unique choir this summer. Rehearsal and performance schedule to be posted soon. Contact Carl Rogers ([email protected]) for more information.

Music at Penney Memorial Church


The PMC Sanctuary Choir
  is a unique group of singers with a variety of musical skills and background. We rehearse from 2-3:30 each Thursday in the church fellowship room and lead worship most Sundays from September through May. All singers are welcome to join with us. There is no audition required; just a desire to glorify God and serve His church, and a willingness to grow in your general music and choral skills. The PMC Sanctuary Choir is the primary source for other ensembles, such as:

The PMC Sanctuary Choir Ensemble
a smaller, select group of 8, 12 or 16 singers, depending on the need, which sings for occasional services and other occasions,

and Hearts in Harmony, a small acapella ladies ensemble. The Women’s and Men’s Choruses, when active, sing for Advent, Lenten and other special services as well as other special events in the community. 


The Chancel Bells is our three-octave bell choir, using hand bells and choir chimes in a variety of ways and techniques to create very special music for our worship services. The Chancel Bells is directed by Jennifer Goodwin, a local professional musician and music teacher.

The PMC Sanctuary Brass
is our newest ensemble which features a variety of brass ensemble and brass choir music for our services.

The Penney Memorial Church sanctuary is home to our lovely 20-rank Holtkamp Pipe Organ and a nine-foot Steinway Grand Piano which was donated by the J.C. Penney family and moved here from his New York City apartment. Both instruments are in regular use for church services as well as for concerts and special programs. 



Chairman, PMC Music Committee

 Larry oversees the music program at PMC and is a PMC Organist and Pianist
Contact Larry
[email protected]


PMC Minister of Music
Director, PMC Sanctuary Choir, Sanctuary Brass

Carl is the director of the PMC Sanctuary Choir, and the director of PMC Sanctuary Brass.
Contact Carl 
[email protected]


Director, PMC Hand Bells Choir

Director, PMC Hand Bell Choir
Contact Jennifer
[email protected]


Director, Hearts in Harmony


PMC Organist, Harpist, Pianist

PMC Organist, Pianist, Harpist
Contact Myra
[email protected]


PMC Brass Ensemble

PMC Pianist
Contact Mary
[email protected]