Church Missions

Have you checked out “Our Global Outreach” area located in the hallway between the Gathering Room and the Fellowship Hall? We’re referring to the Benevolence display at which you’ll get a visual picture of the 24 missions and ministries that Penney Memorial Church (PMC) members support financially and with prayer. Each month, the PMC envelopes focus on TWO different missions. At this site, you’ll see a world map, descriptions of all 24 missions, and, at the base of the bulletin board, there are 12 individual cubicles that contain mission reports for each month from January through December. Remember that one report is on the front of each insert; the other mission is on the back. Help yourself to information and learn more about a mission for which God has been stirring you to respond! Pay attention to that stirring. Allow it to produce action in you. When we respond, He blesses us. Expect God to meet you in that very place of being stirred. He is faithful. He will meet you there!

For more information about Benevolence please contact:
Bill Mial
[email protected]